Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Roderick.
Fuse science, maths, technology and creativity to invent a better world! In Year 10 we will do a large variety of things like:
In a world where a person is required to continuously problem-solve and reinvent themselves, this subject will give you the skills and knowledge to do so. On top of that you will also build the resilience and working ethic to cope in a fast-changing environment that comes to rely more and more on digital technology. In Digital Technologies you will develop your computational thinking as well as designing and developing digital outcomes.
Mr Winchester
Term 1
Coding a website using HTML and CSS, like a pro!
Term 2
Digital making, using new technologies like 3D modelling, 3D printing and laser cutting.
Term 3
Programming basics using Python.
Programming a maze game on a microcomputer.
Term 4
Building and controlling wheeled robot and flying a quadcopter.
Developing a basic platform game.
Year 11 Digital Technologies (DIG)
Any future path that might involve some kind of Digital Technology and some kind of problem solving. This could be Design Engineering and Creative Industries, but also Entrepreneurial endeavours and roles involving using digital technology like Machine Operating roles etc. This subject complements many other subjects.
University Entrance approved subject!
Game Developer, Graphic Designer, Industrial Designer, Animator/Digital Artist, Software Developer, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Audiologist/Audiometrist, Mining Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Architect, Architectural Technician, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Engineering Machinist, Mechanical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryWHAT ARE THE COURSE COSTS?
A well running BYO device is a plus, but not a must.