Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Roderick.
Recommended Prior LearningWHAT SHOULD I HAVE ALREADY DONE?
Level 2 Digital Technologies is an essential prerequisite for this course. However, if a keen student who has not taken the subject in Level 1 and 2 shows the skills and work attitude, she may take it with the approval of the Teacher in Charge. Please select "Request an Exemption."
Fuse Science, Maths, Technology and creativity to invent a better world! In Year 13 you will be completing an inquiry to propose, design and develop a digital outcome that will revolve around finding a solution to a problem in the wider (local or global) community that we will develop over the year. You will build on the skills that you have obtained over the last years and you will specialise in a certain pathway. We will focus on user experience methodologies for the design and complex processes to develop the outcome. Depending on personal interests and abilities this might be Digital Media, Coding or Digital Engineering. Your outcome might be: a website, an app, a magazine, a (computer or board) game, or anything built using laser cutting, 3D printing, mechatronics, robotics or microcontrollers etc. It will be your choice.
In a world where a person is required to continuously problem-solve and reinvent herself, this subject will give you the skills and knowledge to do so. On top of that, you will also build the resilience and working ethic to cope in a fast-changing environment that comes to rely more and more on digital technology. In Digital Technologies you will develop your computational thinking and you will be designing and developing digital outcomes.
4 Level 3 Achievement Standards – 18 credits
3 Internally assessed – 15 credits
1 Externally assessed – 3 credits
Mr Sandkuijl
Term 1
Write a proposal for your outcome.
Term 2
Design your outcome.
Term 3
Develop your outcome.
Term 4
Write a summary on developing your outcome.
Disclaimer: Please note that this subject is one that is always in flux due to its nature and the subject matter will be customised to suit the individual student where applicable. Due to the Ministry of Education’s changes to the Digital Technologies Curriculum, achievement standards offered may change. Credits offered will still meet Digital Technologies requirements for NCEA.
Animator/Digital Artist, Mining Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Software Developer, Architect, Architectural Technician, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Audiologist/Audiometrist, Electronics Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Graphic Designer, Industrial Designer, Engineering Machinist, Game Developer
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryWHAT ARE THE COURSE COSTS?
A well running BYO device is a plus, but not a must.